
Upside-Down Clown

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Rental includes:

Suit - Rainbow striped and star-printed parti-colored jumpsuit. The cuffs of the suit have ruffled trim. There is a zipper closure, and a translucent screen at the base of the clown's legs for the wearer to see through.
Head - Painted whiteface clown head with bright, curly red hair. The head has an attached rainbow ruffled collar. The head is on an adjustable nylon strap worn around the wearer's waist.
Legs - White sculpted lightweight foam "legs" bent at a 45-degree to help the illusion that the clown is walking on its hands. The "legs" are worn above the wearer's head with an adjustable strap worn around the shoulders, with a hole for the wearer's head to go through. The base of the legs have holes for the feet to fit into.
Shoes - Lightweight sculpted foam ankles and feet with bright blue sneakers. The feet fit into the legs worn above the wearer's head.
Hands - Painted latex "hands" worn over the wearer's regular shoes to help the illusion that the clown is walking on its hands.

Please contact us for sizing information.

Rental Code: D10-UDCLOWN2 circus clown krusty funny circus carnival jacques lecoq barnum bailey ringling cirque du soleil


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