
> Rental Costumes > Superheroes > Female Superheroes

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Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 Product(s):
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Wonder Woman

An officially licensed Wonder Woman Costume.
Rental Code: C3-WWOMAN

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 An officially-licensed Harley Quinn costume from Suicide Squad
Rental Code: C3-HARLEYQ

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Black Widow Costume

An officially-licensed costume from The Avengers.
Rental Code: C3-BWIDOW

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Catwoman Costume

An officially-licensed Catwoman costume from the 1966 TV series.
Rental Code: C3-CATWOMANC

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Batgirl Costume

A Batgirl costume based on the 1966 TV series.
Rental Code: C3-BATGIRLC

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A Marvelous Captain costume in blue and red with gold details.
Rental Code: C3-CAPTAINM

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Batgirl Costume
A Batgirl costume inspired by the 1997 movie.
Rental Code: C3-BATGIRL2

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Shi-Rah Costume
A super-heroine costume with a bright white, gold, and red outfit.
Rental Code: C3-PRPOWER

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Lady Incredible Costume
A super-heroine costume with a red, yellow, and black outfit.
Rental Code: C3-INCREDL

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Wonder Babe Costume
A super-heroine costume with a red, white, gold, and blue outfit.
Rental Code: C3-WONDERB1

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